画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用ファッションスタイル別の秋冬服の種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧


ここで使用する画像はイラスト生成AIである「stable diffusion」で当ブログ作成者である私が作成したものであり、実在する人物やキャラクターとは一切関係ありません。また画像の無断転載や無断利用、プロンプトの丸パクリや無断転載はご遠慮ください。



  1. パラメーター紹介
  2. カジュアル系(Casual Style)
    1. セーター(sweater)
    2. フランネルシャツ (flannel shirt)
    3. ダウンジャケット (down jacket)
    4. パーカー (hoodie)
    5. 厚手のカジュアルコート (casual winter coat)
    6. タートルネックセーター (turtleneck sweater)
    7. デニムジャケット (denim jacket)
    8. ロングスリーブTシャツ (long sleeve T-shirt)
    9. パッド入りのベスト (padded vest)
    10. フリースジャケット (fleece jacket)
    11. ノーカラーコート (collarless coat)
    12. カーディガン (cardigan)
    13. スウェットシャツ (sweatshirt)
    14. レザージャケット (leather jacket)
    15. ボーダーセーター (striped sweater)
    16. ロングコート (long coat)
    17. タートルネック (turtleneck)
    18. ジーンズ (jeans)
    19. スウェットパンツ (sweatpants)
    20. レギンス (leggings)
    21. スノーパンツ (snow pants)
    22. ベロアパンツ (velvet pants)
    23. スノーブーツ (snow boots)
    24. カジュアル系(casual style)
  3. 原宿系(Harajuku Style)
    1. カラフルなコート (colorful coat)
    2. ファーパーカー (fur hoodie)
    3. ハイカラーシャツ (high collar shirt)
    4. オーバーサイズのセーター (oversized sweater)
    5. キャンディーカラーのアウター (candy-colored outerwear)
    6. スカーフやマフラー (scarves and mufflers)
    7. 厚手のレギンス (thick leggings)
    8. ボリューミーなスカート (voluminous skirts)
    9. 原宿系(Harajuku Style)
  4. ガーリー系(Girly Style)
    1. フェミニンなコート (feminine coat)
    2. レースやフリルのトップス (lace or frill tops)
    3. ニットワンピース (knit dresses)
    4. パステルカラーのセーター (pastel sweaters)
    5. クラシカルなコート (classic coats)
    6. フェアアイル柄のニット (fair isle knits)
    7. シルクやサテンのブラウス (silk or satin blouses)
    8. エンパイアラインのドレス (empire waist dresses)
    9. パステル調のコーディガン (pastel cardigans)
    10. フェミニンなプリントのスカーフ (feminine printed scarves)
    11. ショートケープ (short capes)
    12. ベルベット素材のスカート (velvet skirts)
    13. プリーツスカート (pleated skirts)
    14. ガーリー系(girly style)
  5. ゆるふわ系(Soft and Fluffy Style / Relaxed and Comforting Style)
    1. オーバーサイズのセーター (oversized sweaters)
    2. ファーベスト (fur vests)
    3. フリース素材のアウター (fleece outerwear)
    4. ボリューム袖のトップス (voluminous sleeve tops)
    5. ベアトップス (bare shoulder tops)
    6. ニットワンピース (knit dresses)
    7. ショートケープ (short capes)
    8. ドルマンスリーブのトップス (dolman sleeve tops)
    9. ボリュームスリーブのワンピース (voluminous sleeve dresses)
    10. ヴィンテージ風のウールコート (vintage-inspired wool coats)
    11. ソフトな質感のベスト (soft texture vests)
    12. ファーチョーカー (fur chokers)
    13. ルームウェア風のパンツ (loungewear-style pants)
    14. カラフルなレギンス (colorful leggings)
    15. ファーブーツ (fur boots)
    16. シープスキンブーツ (sheepskin boots)
    17. ゆるふわ系(Soft and Fluffy Style / Relaxed and Comforting Style)


  • モデル:chilled_remix_v1
  • サンプリングメソッド:DPM++SDE Karras
  • ステップ:50
  • CFG:12
  • シード:-1


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing Sweater, casual style,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k

weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,
kimono, naked


カジュアル系(Casual Style)


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sweater, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sweater, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sweater, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フランネルシャツ (flannel shirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing flannel shirt, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing flannel shirt, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing flannel shirt, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ダウンジャケット (down jacket)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing down jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing down jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing down jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パーカー (hoodie)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing hoodie, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing hoodie, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing hoodie, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

厚手のカジュアルコート (casual winter coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing casual winter coat, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing casual winter coat, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing casual winter coat, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

タートルネックセーター (turtleneck sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing turtleneck sweater, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing turtleneck sweater, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing turtleneck sweater, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

デニムジャケット (denim jacket)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing denim jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing denim jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing denim jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ロングスリーブTシャツ (long sleeve T-shirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing long sleeve T-shirt, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing long sleeve T-shirt, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing long sleeve T-shirt, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パッド入りのベスト (padded vest)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing padded vest, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing padded vest, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing padded vest, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フリースジャケット (fleece jacket)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fleece jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fleece jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fleece jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ノーカラーコート (collarless coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing collarless coat, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing collarless coat, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing collarless coat, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カーディガン (cardigan)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cardigan, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cardigan, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cardigan, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

スウェットシャツ (sweatshirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sweatshirt, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sweatshirt, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sweatshirt, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レザージャケット (leather jacket)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing leather jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing leather jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing leather jacket, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用ファッションスタイル別の春夏服の種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧

ボーダーセーター (striped sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing striped sweater, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing striped sweater, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing striped sweater, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ロングコート (long coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing long coat, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing long coat, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing long coat, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

タートルネック (turtleneck)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing turtleneck, casual style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing turtleneck, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing turtleneck, casual style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ジーンズ (jeans)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter jeans, casual style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter jeans, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter jeans, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

スウェットパンツ (sweatpants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweatpants, casual style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweatpants, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweatpants, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レギンス (leggings)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leggings, casual style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leggings, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leggings, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

スノーパンツ (snow pants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing snow pants, casual style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing snow pants, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing snow pants, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ベロアパンツ (velvet pants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing velvet pants, casual style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing velvet pants, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing velvet pants, casual style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

スノーブーツ (snow boots)

wearing snow boots, casual style,

feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing cute snow boots, casual style,

feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing gorgeous snow boots, casual style,

feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カジュアル系(casual style)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual fashon style,
slim body,

full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual fashon style,
slim body,

full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual fashon style,
slim body,

full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用職業別仕事着の種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧

原宿系(Harajuku Style)

カラフルなコート (colorful coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter colorful coat, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter colorful coat, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter colorful coat, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ファーパーカー (fur hoodie)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fur hoodie, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fur hoodie, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fur hoodie, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ハイカラーシャツ (high collar shirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter high collar shirt, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter high collar shirt, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter high collar shirt, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

オーバーサイズのセーター (oversized sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter oversized sweater, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter oversized sweater, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter oversized sweater, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

キャンディーカラーのアウター (candy-colored outerwear)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter candy-colored outerwear, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter candy-colored outerwear, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter candy-colored outerwear, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

スカーフやマフラー (scarves and mufflers)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing scarves, Harajuku style,
slim body,

upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter mufflers, Harajuku style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing scarves, Harajuku style,
slim body,

upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

厚手のレギンス (thick leggings)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter thick leggings, Harajuku style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter thick leggings, Harajuku style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter thick leggings, Harajuku style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ボリューミーなスカート (voluminous skirts)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter voluminous skirts, Harajuku style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter voluminous skirts, Harajuku style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter voluminous skirts, Harajuku style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

原宿系(Harajuku Style)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter Harajuku fashon style,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter Harajuku fashon style,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter Harajuku fashon style,
slim body,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ガーリー系(Girly Style)

フェミニンなコート (feminine coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing feminine coat, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing feminine coat, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing feminine coat, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースやフリルのトップス (lace or frill tops)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter frill tops, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace tops, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace tops, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

ニットワンピース (knit dresses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing knit dresses, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing knit dresses, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing knit dresses, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, (side view:1.1),
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パステルカラーのセーター (pastel sweaters)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pastel sweaters, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pastel sweaters, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pastel sweaters, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

クラシカルなコート (classic coats)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing classic coats, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing classic coats, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing classic coats, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フェアアイル柄のニット (fair isle knits)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fair isle knits, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fair isle knits, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fair isle knits, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シルクやサテンのブラウス (silk or satin blouses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing satin blouses, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing silk blouses, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing silk blouses, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

エンパイアラインのドレス (empire waist dresses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cute empire waist dresses, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cute empire waist dresses, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cute empire waist dresses, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パステル調のコーディガン (pastel cardigans)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pastel cardigans, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pastel cardigans, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pastel cardigans, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フェミニンなプリントのスカーフ (feminine printed scarves)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter feminine printed scarves, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter feminine printed scarves, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter feminine printed scarves, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ショートケープ (short capes)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter short capes, girly style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter short capes, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter short capes, girly style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ベルベット素材のスカート (velvet skirts)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter velvet skirts, girly style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter velvet skirts, girly style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter velvet skirts, girly style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

プリーツスカート (pleated skirts)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pleated skirts, girly style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pleated skirts, girly style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pleated skirts, girly style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ガーリー系(girly style)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter girly fashon style,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality
20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter girly fashon style,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality
20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter girly fashon style,
slim body,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用スポーツウェアの種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧

ゆるふわ系(Soft and Fluffy Style / Relaxed and Comforting Style)

オーバーサイズのセーター (oversized sweaters)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter oversized sweaters, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter oversized sweaters, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter oversized sweaters, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ファーベスト (fur vests)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fur vests, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fur vests, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fur vests, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フリース素材のアウター (fleece outerwear)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fleece outerwear, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fleece outerwear, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fleece outerwear, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ボリューム袖のトップス (voluminous sleeve tops)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter voluminous sleeve tops, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter voluminous sleeve tops, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter voluminous sleeve tops, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

ベアトップス (bare shoulder tops)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter bare shoulder tops, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter bare shoulder tops, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter bare shoulder tops, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ニットワンピース (knit dresses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit dresses, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit dresses, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit dresses, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ショートケープ (short capes)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter short capes, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter short capes, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter short capes, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

ドルマンスリーブのトップス (dolman sleeve tops)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter dolman sleeve tops, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter dolman sleeve tops, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter dolman sleeve tops, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ボリュームスリーブのワンピース (voluminous sleeve dresses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter voluminous sleeve dresses, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter voluminous sleeve dresses, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter voluminous sleeve dresses, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ヴィンテージ風のウールコート (vintage-inspired wool coats)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing vintage-inspired wool coats, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing vintage-inspired wool coats, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing vintage-inspired wool coats, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ソフトな質感のベスト (soft texture vests)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter soft texture vests, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter soft texture vests, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter soft texture vests, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ファーチョーカー (fur chokers)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur chokers, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur chokers, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur chokers, fluffy style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

ルームウェア風のパンツ (loungewear-style pants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter loungewear-style pants, fluffy style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter loungewear-style pants, fluffy style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter loungewear-style pants, fluffy style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カラフルなレギンス (colorful leggings)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter colorful leggings, fluffy style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter colorful leggings, fluffy style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter colorful leggings, fluffy style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ファーブーツ (fur boots)

wearing winter fur boots, fluffy style,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter pink fur boots, fluffy style,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter white fur boots, fluffy style,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シープスキンブーツ (sheepskin boots)

wearing winter sheepskin boots, fluffy style,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter pink sheepskin boots, fluffy style,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter blue sheepskin boots, fluffy style,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ゆるふわ系(Soft and Fluffy Style / Relaxed and Comforting Style)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fluffy fashon style,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fluffy fashon style,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fluffy fashon style,
slim body,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

