画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用の服の色のプロンプト一覧


ここで使用する画像はイラスト生成AIである「stable diffusion」で当ブログ作成者である私が作成したものであり、実在する人物やキャラクターとは一切関係ありません。また画像の無断転載や無断利用、プロンプトの丸パクリや無断転載はご遠慮ください。



  1. パラメーター紹介
  2. 白系
    1. ピュアホワイト
    2. アイボリー
    3. クリーム色
    4. ホワイトスモーク
    5. ホワイトオーク
  3. 黒系
    1. ジェットブラック
    2. チャコールブラック
    3. オニキスブラック
    4. レイヴンブラック
    5. エボニー
    6. オブシディアンブラック
    7. マットブラック
  4. 灰色系
    1. 灰色
    2. チャコールグレー
    3. スレートグレー
    4. パールグレー
    5. クラウドグレー
    6. プラチナムグレー
  5. 赤系
    1. スカーレットレッド
    2. クリムゾンレッド
    3. ルビーレッド
    4. バーガンディレッド
    5. コーラルレッド
    6. ヴァーミリオンレッド
    7. マルーンレッド
    8. ローズレッド
  6. 青系
    1. スカイブルー
    2. ロイヤルブルー
    3. ネイビーブルー
    4. ティールブルー
    5. ターコイズブルー
    6. サファイアブルー
    7. コーンフラワーブルー
    8. スチールブルー
  7. 緑系
    1. エメラルドグリーン
    2. フォレストグリーン
    3. ライムグリーン
    4. オリーブグリーン
    5. ミントグリーン
    6. ティールグリーン
    7. シーフォームグリーン
    8. セージグリーン
  8. 黄色系
    1. 黄色
    2. レモンイエロー
    3. ゴールドイエロー
    4. カナリアイエロー
    5. マスタードイエロー
    6. アンバーイエロー
    7. サフランイエロー
  9. 紫系
    1. ラベンダーパープル
    2. ロイヤルパープル
    3. アメジストパープル
    4. モーブパープル
    5. グレープパープル
  10. オレンジ系
    1. オレンジ
    2. パンプキンオレンジ
    3. コーラルオレンジ
    4. ピーチオレンジ
    5. バーントオレンジ
  11. ピンク系
    1. ピンク
    2. ローズピンク
    3. フューシャピンク
    4. サーモンピンク
  12. 茶色系
    1. 茶色
    2. チョコレートブラウン
    3. トープブラウン
    4. ベージュ
  13. 光沢系
    1. メタリックレッド
    2. メタリックブラック
    3. メタリックブルー


  • モデル:chilled_remix_v1
  • サンプリングメソッド:DPM++ 3M SDE Karras
  • ステップ:50
  • CFG:12
  • シード:-1


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k

weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,
kimono, naked



20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pure white clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pure white dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pure white pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ivory clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ivory dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ivory pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing eggshell clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing eggshell dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing eggshell pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white smoke clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white smoke dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white smoke pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white oak clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white oak dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white oak pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing black clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing black dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing black pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing jet black clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing jet black dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing jet black pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing charcoal black clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing charcoal black dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing charcoal black pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing onyx black clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing onyx black dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing onyx black pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing raven black clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing raven black dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing raven black pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ebony clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ebony dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ebony pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing obsidian black clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing obsidian black dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing obsidian black pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing matte black clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing matte black dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing matte black pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality



20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing grey clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing grey dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing grey pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing charcoal gray clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing charcoal gray dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing charcoal gray pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing slate gray clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing slate gray dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing slate gray pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pearl gray clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pearl gray dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pearl gray pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cloud gray clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cloud gray dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cloud gray pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing platinum gray clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing platinum gray dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing platinum gray pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing scarlet red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing scarlet red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing scarlet red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing crimson red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing crimson red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing crimson red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ruby red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ruby red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ruby red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing burgundy red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing burgundy red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing burgundy red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing coral red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing coral red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing coral red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing vermilion red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing vermilion red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing vermilion red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing maroon red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing maroon red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing maroon red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing rose red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing rose red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing rose red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sky blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sky blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sky blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用ドレスの種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing royal blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing royal blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing royal blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing navy blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing navy blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing navy blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing teal blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing teal blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing teal blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing turquoise blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing turquoise blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing turquoise blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sapphire blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sapphire blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sapphire blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cornflower blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cornflower blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cornflower blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing steel blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing steel blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing steel blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing green clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing green dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing green pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing emerald green clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing emerald green dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing emerald green pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing forest green clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing forest green dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing forest green pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lime green clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lime green dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lime green pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing olive green clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing olive green dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing olive green pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mint green clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mint green dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mint green pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing teal green clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing teal green dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing teal green pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing seafoam green clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing seafoam green dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing seafoam green pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sage green clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sage green dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sage green pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality



20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing yellow clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing yellow dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing yellow pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lemon yellow clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lemon yellow dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lemon yellow pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gold yellow clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gold yellow dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gold yellow pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing canary yellow clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing canary yellow dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing canary yellow pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mustard yellow clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mustard yellow dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mustard yellow pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing amber yellow clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing amber yellow dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing amber yellow pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing saffron yellow clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing saffron yellow dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing saffron yellow pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用の着ぐるみパジャマプロンプト一覧


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing purple clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing purple dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing purple pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lavender purple clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lavender purple dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lavender purple pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing royal purple clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing royal purple dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing royal purple pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing amethyst purple clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing amethyst purple dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing amethyst purple pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mauve purple clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mauve purple dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mauve purple pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing grape purple clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing grape purple dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing grape purple pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality



20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing orange clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing orange dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing orange pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pumpkin orange clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pumpkin orange dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pumpkin orange pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing coral orange clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing coral orange dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing coral orange pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing peach orange clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing peach orange dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing peach orange pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing burnt orange clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing burnt orange dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing burnt orange pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality



20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing rose pink clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing rose pink dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing rose pink pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fuchsia pink clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fuchsia pink dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fuchsia pink pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing salmon pink clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing salmon pink dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing salmon pink pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用ファッションスタイル別の秋冬服の種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧④



20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing brown clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing brown dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing brown pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing chocolate brown clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,
kimono, naked

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing chocolate brown dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing chocolate brown pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing taupe brown clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing taupe brown dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing taupe brown pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing beige clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing beige dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing beige pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gold clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gold dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gold pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing silver clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing silver dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing silver pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing metallic red clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing metallic red dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing metallic red pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing metallic black clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing metallic black dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing metallic black pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing metallic blue clothes,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing metallic blue dress,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing metallic blue pants,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

