画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用ファッションスタイル別の秋冬服の種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧④


ここで使用する画像はイラスト生成AIである「stable diffusion」で当ブログ作成者である私が作成したものであり、実在する人物やキャラクターとは一切関係ありません。また画像の無断転載や無断利用、プロンプトの丸パクリや無断転載はご遠慮ください。



  1. パラメーター紹介
  2. 清楚系(Feminine Style)
    1. ニットワンピース (knit dress)
    2. タートルネックセーター (turtleneck sweater)
    3. ロングコート (long coat)
    4. レースディテールのブラウス (lace detail blouse)
    5. フェアアイル柄セーター (fair isle sweater)
    6. ウールブレンドコート (wool blend coat)
    7. ニットカーディガン (knit cardigan)
    8. シルクブラウス (silk blouse)
    9. カシミアセーター (cashmere sweater)
    10. クラシックなペプラムコート (classic peplum coat)
    11. ボウタイブラウス (bow-tie blouse)
    12. ウールカーディガン (wool cardigan)
    13. レーストップス (lace top)
    14. シャーリングディテールのドレス (shirred detail dress)
    15. キャメルカラーコート (camel coat)
    16. カシミアタートルネックプルオーバー (cashmere turtleneck pullover)
    17. パステルカラーコーディガン (pastel colored cardigan)
    18. ファーマフラー (fur scarf)
    19. シルクスカーフ (silk scarf)
    20. ファーブリムハット (fur brim hat)
    21. プリーツスカート (pleated skirt)
    22. ベルベットスカート (velvet skirt)
    23. プリントタイトスカート (printed tights skirt)
    24. ミディ丈ウールスカート (midi wool skirt)
    25. ミディアムヒールブーツ (mid-heel boots)
    26. ロングレースブーツ (long lace boots)
    27. 清楚系(Feminine Style)
  3. モノクロ系(モノトーン系)(Monochrome Style)
    1. タートルネックセーター (turtleneck sweater)
    2. モノクロストライプ柄アウター (monochrome striped outerwear)
    3. 白いブラウス (white blouse)
    4. レザージャケット (leather jacket)
    5. モノクロプリントのドレス (monochrome printed dress)
    6. キルトドジャケット (quilted jacket)
    7. モノクロチェック柄コート (monochrome check coat)
    8. モノクロストライプ柄ニットワンピース (monochrome striped knit dress)
    9. モノクロヘリンボーン柄コート (monochrome herringbone coat)
    10. モノクロフェアアイルセーター (monochrome fair isle sweater)
    11. モノクロアーティスティックプリントトップ (monochrome artistic print top)
    12. モノクロストライプ柄シャツワンピース (monochrome striped shirt dress)
    13. フェドラハット (fedora hat)
    14. モノクロストライプ柄ベレー帽 (monochrome striped beret)
    15. モノクロウールハット (monochrome wool hat)
    16. モノクロストライプ柄スカーフ (monochrome striped scarf)
    17. モノクロカシミアスカーフ (monochrome cashmere scarf)
    18. モノクロチェック柄スカート (monochrome check skirt)
    19. 白いデニムパンツ (white denim pants)
    20. ハイウエストのブラックジーンズ (high-waisted black jeans)
    21. モノクロティーグ (monochrome tights)
    22. モノクロストライプ柄ワイドレッグパンツ (monochrome striped wide-leg pants)
    23. モノクロプリントのタイツ (monochrome printed tights)
    24. モノクロストライプ柄ブーツ (monochrome striped boots)
    25. モノクロ系(モノトーン系)(Monochrome Style)
  4. ママ系(Mama Style)
    1. ニットカーディガン (knit cardigan)
    2. ロングコート (long coat)
    3. カジュアルワンピース (casual dress)
    4. デニムジャケット (denim jacket)
    5. フリース裏地のパーカー (fleece-lined hoodie)
    6. 厚手のニットセーター (chunky knit sweater)
    7. ノーカラーコート (collarless coat)
    8. シャーリングデザインのトップス (shirring design tops)
    9. カジュアルなベスト (casual vest)
    10. ワンピース風セータードレス (sweater dress)
    11. ベーシックなホワイトシャツ (basic white shirt)
    12. ウィンドブレーカー (windbreaker)
    13. ボーダーデザインのトップス (striped top)
    14. デザイン性の高いコート (statement coat)
    15. ウォームマフラー (warm scarf)
    16. ウィンターハット (winter hat)
    17. 柔らかなニット帽 (soft knit beanie)
    18. フリンジデザインのスカーフ (fringe design scarf)
    19. ボヘミアンスカーフ (bohemian scarf)
    20. カジュアルパンツ (casual pants)
    21. ウォームタイツ (warm tights)
    22. レギンス (leggings)
    23. ワイドレッグパンツ (wide-leg pants)
    24. ブーツ (boots)
    25. ファーライニングのブーツ (fur-lined boots)
    26. ママ系(Mama Style)
  5. 人妻系(Married Woman Style)
    1. カシミアのコート (cashmere coat)
    2. ニットドレス (knit dress)
    3. タートルネックセーター (turtleneck sweater)
    4. ファーベスト (fur vest)
    5. シルクブラウス (silk blouse)
    6. ショールカラーコート (shawl collar coat)
    7. セーターワンピース (sweater dress)
    8. パンツスーツ (pantsuit)
    9. シックなトレンチコート (chic trench coat)
    10. セーターコート (sweater coat)
    11. レーストップス (lace top)
    12. フェミニンなワンピース (feminine dress)
    13. カメルカラーコート (camel coat)
    14. ハイネックニット (high-neck knit)
    15. シルクパジャマ風トップス (silk pajama-style top)
    16. ダークカラーニット (dark colored knitwear)
    17. タイトなタートルネックトップ (fitted turtleneck top)
    18. ベルベットドレス (velvet dress)
    19. ジュエリーアクセントのニット (jewel-accented knitwear)
    20. シャーリングデザインのブラウス (shirred blouse)
    21. チェック柄コート (checkered coat)
    22. ラッフルデザインのトップス (ruffled top)
    23. コールドショルダーセーター (cold shoulder sweater)
    24. ボリューミーなコート (oversized coat)
    25. ウールカシミアブレンドのスカーフ (wool cashmere blend scarf)
    26. ウールスカート (wool skirt)
    27. プリーツスカート (pleated skirt)
    28. フィッシュネットタイツ (fishnet tights)
    29. レザーパンツ (leather pants)
    30. ミディヒールブーツ (midi-heel boots)
    31. 人妻系(Married Woman Style)


  • モデル:chilled_remix_v1
  • サンプリングメソッド:DPM++ 2M SDE Karras
  • ステップ:50
  • CFG:12
  • シード:-1


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mini dress, gal style,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k

weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,
kimono, naked


清楚系(Feminine Style)

ニットワンピース (knit dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit dress, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit dress, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit dress, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

タートルネックセーター (turtleneck sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter turtleneck sweater, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter turtleneck sweater, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter turtleneck sweater, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ロングコート (long coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter long coats, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter long coats, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter long coats, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースディテールのブラウス (lace detail blouse)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace detail blouse, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace detail blouse, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace detail blouse, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フェアアイル柄セーター (fair isle sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fair isle sweater, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fair isle sweater, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fair isle sweater, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウールブレンドコート (wool blend coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool blend coat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool blend coat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool blend coat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ニットカーディガン (knit cardigan)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit cardigan, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit cardigan, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit cardigan, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シルクブラウス (silk blouse)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk blouse, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk blouse, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk blouse, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カシミアセーター (cashmere sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cashmere sweater, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cashmere sweater, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cashmere sweater, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

クラシックなペプラムコート (classic peplum coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter classic peplum coat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter classic peplum coat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter classic peplum coat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ボウタイブラウス (bow-tie blouse)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter bow-tie blouse, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter bow-tie blouse, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter bow-tie blouse, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウールカーディガン (wool cardigan)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool cardigan, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool cardigan, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool cardigan, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レーストップス (lace top)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace top, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace top, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace top, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シャーリングディテールのドレス (shirred detail dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shirred detail dress, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shirred detail dress, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shirred detail dress, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

キャメルカラーコート (camel coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter camel coat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter camel coat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter camel coat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カシミアタートルネックプルオーバー (cashmere turtleneck pullover)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cashmere turtleneck pullover, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cashmere turtleneck pullover, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cashmere turtleneck pullover, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パステルカラーコーディガン (pastel colored cardigan)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pastel colored cardigan, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pastel colored cardigan, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pastel colored cardigan, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ファーマフラー (fur scarf)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur scarf, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur scarf, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur scarf, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シルクスカーフ (silk scarf)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk scarf, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk scarf, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk scarf, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ファーブリムハット (fur brim hat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur brim hat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur brim hat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur brim hat, feminine style,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

プリーツスカート (pleated skirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pleated skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pleated skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pleated skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ベルベットスカート (velvet skirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter velvet skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter velvet skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter velvet skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

プリントタイトスカート (printed tights skirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter printed tights skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter printed tights skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter printed tights skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ミディ丈ウールスカート (midi wool skirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter midi wool skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter midi wool skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter midi wool skirt, feminine style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ミディアムヒールブーツ (mid-heel boots)

wearing winter mid-heel boots, feminine style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter cute mid-heel boots, feminine style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter gorgeous mid-heel boots, feminine style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ロングレースブーツ (long lace boots)

wearing winter long lace boots, feminine style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter cute long lace boots, feminine style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter gorgeous long lace boots, feminine style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

清楚系(Feminine Style)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter feminine style,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter feminine style,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter feminine style,
slim body,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

モノクロ系(モノトーン系)(Monochrome Style)

タートルネックセーター (turtleneck sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter turtleneck sweater, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter turtleneck sweater, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter turtleneck sweater, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロストライプ柄アウター (monochrome striped outerwear)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter (monochrome:0.9) striped outerwear, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped outerwear, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped outerwear, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

白いブラウス (white blouse)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter white blouse, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter white blouse, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter white blouse, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レザージャケット (leather jacket)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leather jacket, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leather jacket, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leather jacket, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロプリントのドレス (monochrome printed dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome printed dress, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome printed dress, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome printed dress, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

キルトドジャケット (quilted jacket)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter quilted jacket, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter quilted jacket, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter quilted jacket, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロチェック柄コート (monochrome check coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome check coat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome check coat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome check coat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロストライプ柄ニットワンピース (monochrome striped knit dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped knit dress, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped knit dress, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped knit dress, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロヘリンボーン柄コート (monochrome herringbone coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome herringbone coat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome herringbone coat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome herringbone coat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロフェアアイルセーター (monochrome fair isle sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome fair isle sweater, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome fair isle sweater, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome fair isle sweater, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロアーティスティックプリントトップ (monochrome artistic print top)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome artistic print top, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome artistic print top, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome artistic print top, (monochrome:0.8) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロストライプ柄シャツワンピース (monochrome striped shirt dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped shirt dress, (monochrome:0.8) fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped shirt dress, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped shirt dress, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フェドラハット (fedora hat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fedora hat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fedora hat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fedora hat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロストライプ柄ベレー帽 (monochrome striped beret)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped beret, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped beret, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped beret, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロウールハット (monochrome wool hat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome wool hat, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome wool hat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome wool hat, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロストライプ柄スカーフ (monochrome striped scarf)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped scarf, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped scarf, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped scarf, (monochrome:0.8) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロカシミアスカーフ (monochrome cashmere scarf)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome cashmere scarf, (monochrome:0.8) fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome cashmere scarf, monochrome fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome cashmere scarf, (monochrome:0.9) fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロチェック柄スカート (monochrome check skirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome check skirt, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome check skirt, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome check skirt, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

白いデニムパンツ (white denim pants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter white denim pants, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter white denim pants, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter white denim pants, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ハイウエストのブラックジーンズ (high-waisted black jeans)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter high-waisted black jeans, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter high-waisted black jeans, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter high-waisted black jeans, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロティーグ (monochrome tights)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome tights, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome tights, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome tights, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロストライプ柄ワイドレッグパンツ (monochrome striped wide-leg pants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped wide-leg pants, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped wide-leg pants, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome striped wide-leg pants, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロプリントのタイツ (monochrome printed tights)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome printed tights, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome printed tights, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome printed tights, monochrome style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロストライプ柄ブーツ (monochrome striped boots)

wearing winter monochrome striped boots, monochrome style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter cute monochrome striped boots, monochrome style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter gorgeous monochrome striped boots, monochrome style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

モノクロ系(モノトーン系)(Monochrome Style)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome style,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome style,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter monochrome style,
slim body,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ママ系(Mama Style)

ニットカーディガン (knit cardigan)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit cardigan, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit cardigan, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit cardigan, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ロングコート (long coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter long coat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter long coat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter long coat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カジュアルワンピース (casual dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual dress, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual dress, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual dress, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

デニムジャケット (denim jacket)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter denim jacket, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter denim jacket, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter denim jacket, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フリース裏地のパーカー (fleece-lined hoodie)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fleece-lined hoodie, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fleece-lined hoodie, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fleece-lined hoodie, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

厚手のニットセーター (chunky knit sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter chunky knit sweater, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter chunky knit sweater, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter chunky knit sweater, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ノーカラーコート (collarless coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter collarless coat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter collarless coat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter collarless coat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シャーリングデザインのトップス (shirring design tops)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shirring design tops, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shirring design tops, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shirring design tops, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カジュアルなベスト (casual vest)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual vest, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual vest, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual vest, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ワンピース風セータードレス (sweater dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweater dress, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweater dress, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweater dress, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ベーシックなホワイトシャツ (basic white shirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter basic white shirt, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter basic white shirt, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter basic white shirt, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウィンドブレーカー (windbreaker)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter windbreaker, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter windbreaker, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter windbreaker, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ボーダーデザインのトップス (striped top)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter striped top, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter striped top, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter striped top, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

デザイン性の高いコート (statement coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter statement coat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter statement coat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter statement coat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウォームマフラー (warm scarf)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter warm scarf, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter warm scarf, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter warm scarf, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウィンターハット (winter hat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter winter hat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter winter hat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter winter hat, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

柔らかなニット帽 (soft knit beanie)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter soft knit beanie, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter soft knit beanie, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter soft knit beanie, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フリンジデザインのスカーフ (fringe design scarf)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fringe design scarf, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fringe design scarf, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fringe design scarf, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ボヘミアンスカーフ (bohemian scarf)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter bohemian scarf, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter bohemian scarf, mama fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing wearing winter bohemian scarf, mama fashion,
unisex coats, mama fashion,

slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カジュアルパンツ (casual pants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual pants, mama style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual pants, mama style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter casual pants, mama style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウォームタイツ (warm tights)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter warm tights, mama style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter warm tights, mama style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter warm tights, mama style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

レギンス (leggings)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leggings, mama style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leggings, mama style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leggings, mama style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ワイドレッグパンツ (wide-leg pants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wide-leg pants, mama style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wide-leg pants, mama style,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wide-leg pants, mama style,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ブーツ (boots)

wearing winter boots, mama style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter cute boots, mama style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter gorgeous boots, mama style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ファーライニングのブーツ (fur-lined boots)

wearing winter fur-lined boots, mama style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter cute fur-lined boots, mama style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter gorgeous fur-lined boots, mama style,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ママ系(Mama Style)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter mama style,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter mama style,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter mama style,
slim body,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

人妻系(Married Woman Style)

カシミアのコート (cashmere coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cashmere coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cashmere coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cashmere coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ニットドレス (knit dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter knit dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

タートルネックセーター (turtleneck sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter turtleneck sweater, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter turtleneck sweater, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter turtleneck sweater, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ファーベスト (fur vest)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur vest, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur vest, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fur vest, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シルクブラウス (silk blouse)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk blouse, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk blouse, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk blouse, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ショールカラーコート (shawl collar coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shawl collar coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shawl collar coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shawl collar coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

セーターワンピース (sweater dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweater dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweater dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweater dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パンツスーツ (pantsuit)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pantsuit, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pantsuit, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pantsuit, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シックなトレンチコート (chic trench coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter chic trench coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter chic trench coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter chic trench coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

セーターコート (sweater coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweater coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweater coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter sweater coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レーストップス (lace top)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter lace top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フェミニンなワンピース (feminine dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter feminine dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter feminine dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter feminine dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

カメルカラーコート (camel coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter camel coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter camel coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter camel coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ハイネックニット (high-neck knit)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter high-neck knit, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter high-neck knit, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter high-neck knit, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シルクパジャマ風トップス (silk pajama-style top)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk pajama-style top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk pajama-style top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter silk pajama-style top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ダークカラーニット (dark colored knitwear)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter dark colored knitwear, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter dark colored knitwear, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter dark colored knitwear, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

タイトなタートルネックトップ (fitted turtleneck top)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fitted turtleneck top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fitted turtleneck top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fitted turtleneck top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ベルベットドレス (velvet dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter velvet dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter velvet dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter velvet dress, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ジュエリーアクセントのニット (jewel-accented knitwear)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter jewel-accented knitwear, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter jewel-accented knitwear, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter jewel-accented knitwear, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シャーリングデザインのブラウス (shirred blouse)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shirred blouse, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shirred blouse, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter shirred blouse, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

チェック柄コート (checkered coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter checkered coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter checkered coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter checkered coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ラッフルデザインのトップス (ruffled top)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter ruffled top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter ruffled top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter ruffled top, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

コールドショルダーセーター (cold shoulder sweater)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cold shoulder sweater, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cold shoulder sweater, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter cold shoulder sweater, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ボリューミーなコート (oversized coat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter oversized coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter oversized coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter oversized coat, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウールカシミアブレンドのスカーフ (wool cashmere blend scarf)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool cashmere blend scarf, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool cashmere blend scarf, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool cashmere blend scarf, married woman fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photom, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウールスカート (wool skirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool skirt, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool skirt, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter wool skirt, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

プリーツスカート (pleated skirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pleated skirt, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pleated skirt, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter pleated skirt, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フィッシュネットタイツ (fishnet tights)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fishnet tights, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fishnet tights, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter fishnet tights, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レザーパンツ (leather pants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leather pants, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leather pants, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter leather pants, married woman fashion,
slim body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ミディヒールブーツ (midi-heel boots)

wearing winter midi-heel boots, married woman fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter cute midi-heel boots, married woman fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

wearing winter gorgeous midi-heel boots, married woman fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

人妻系(Married Woman Style)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter married woman fashion,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter married woman fashion,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing winter married woman fashion,
slim body,
full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo, 8k
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality,

