画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用ファッションスタイル別の春夏服の種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧②


ここで使用する画像はイラスト生成AIである「stable diffusion」で当ブログ作成者である私が作成したものであり、実在する人物やキャラクターとは一切関係ありません。また画像の無断転載や無断利用、プロンプトの丸パクリや無断転載はご遠慮ください。



  1. パラメーター紹介
  2. ギャル系(Gal Style)
    1. ミニスカート (mini skirt)
    2. クロップトップス (crop tops)
    3. ハイウエストパンツ (high-waisted pants)
    4. ボディコンドレス (bodycon dress)
    5. プリントTシャツ (printed T-shirts)
    6. ショートパンツ (shorts)
    7. フリンジトップス (fringe tops)
    8. サンダル (sandals)
    9. ビッグリボンヘアアクセサリー (big ribbon hair accessories)
    10. シースルーアイテム (sheer items)
    11. オフショルダートップス (off-shoulder tops)
    12. グリッターアイテム (glitter items)
    13. デニムショートパンツ (denim shorts)
    14. レースアップブーツ (lace-up boots)
    15. パステルカラー (pastel colors)
    16. サマーハット (summer hat)
    17. ビッグサングラス (oversized sunglasses)
    18. フリルソックス (frilly socks)
  3. ゴスロリ系(Gothic Lolita Style)
    1. ロリータドレス (Lolita dress)
    2. コルセット (corset)
    3. レースアクセサリー (lace accessories)
    4. ペティコート (petticoat)
    5. リボン (ribbon)
    6. レースアップシューズ (lace-up shoes)
    7. ゴシックジュエリー (gothic jewelry)
    8. レースソックス (lace socks)
    9. レース傘 (lace parasol)
    10. ボンネット (bonnet)
    11. ボンジュール (bonnets)
    12. クローズドトウシューズ (closed-toe shoes)
    13. ランジェリースタイル (lingerie-inspired)
    14. フリルカフス (frilly cuffs)
    15. ブラックストッキング (black stockings)
    16. ヴィクトリアンモチーフ (Victorian motifs)
    17. ゴシックヘッドアクセサリー (gothic head accessories)
    18. プリントドレス (printed dresses)
  4. ロリータ系(Lolita Style)
    1. ロリータドレス (Lolita dress)
    2. パフスリーブ (puff sleeves)
    3. パンクロリータ (punk Lolita)
    4. オーバーニーソックス (over-the-knee socks)
    5. レースアクセサリー (lace accessories)
    6. パラソル (parasol)
    7. リボン (ribbon)
    8. レースアップシューズ (lace-up shoes)
    9. ロリータハンドバッグ (Lolita handbags)
    10. オーバーサイズリボン (oversized bows)
    11. プリンセススリーブ (princess sleeves)
    12. ショートパンツ (shorts)
    13. ドールシューズ (doll shoes)
    14. カチューシャ (headband)
    15. ウエストベルト (waist belt)
    16. プリントスカート (printed skirts)
    17. シフォンブラウス (chiffon blouse)
    18. ウエストポーチ (waist pouch)
    19. レースガーター (lace garters)
  5. ドール系(Doll Style)
    1. フリルブラウス (frill blouse)
    2. フリルスカート (frill skirt)
    3. ワンピース (dresses)
    4. レースソックス (lace socks)
    5. ヘッドアクセサリー (head accessories)
    6. パステルカラー (pastel colors)
    7. パフスリーブ (puff sleeves)
    8. ドールシューズ (doll shoes)
    9. カーディガン (cardigans)
    10. ドールワンピース (doll one-piece)
    11. ロリータ風ドレス (Lolita-inspired dresses)
    12. サマーハット (summer hats)
    13. レースカーディガン (lace cardigans)
    14. バックリボン (back bows)
    15. シフォンブラウス (chiffon blouses)
    16. パステルカラーブルマー (pastel colored bloomers)
    17. プリントサマードレス (printed summer dresses)
    18. リボンサンダル (ribbon sandals)
    19. フラワーアクセサリー (flower accessories)


  • モデル:chilled_remix_v1
  • サンプリングメソッド:DPM++SDE Karras
  • ステップ:50
  • CFG:12
  • シード:-1


20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mini dress,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo

weird and destroy face,
kimono, naked,
text, mark,
low quality


ギャル系(Gal Style)

ミニスカート (mini skirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mini skirt, gal style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mini skirt, gal style,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing mini skirt, gal style,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

クロップトップス (crop tops)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing crop tops, gal style,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing crop tops, gal style,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing crop tops, gal style,
slim body,

full body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ハイウエストパンツ (high-waisted pants)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing high-waisted pants, gal style,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing high-waisted pants, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing high-waisted pants, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ボディコンドレス (bodycon dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing bodycon dress, gal fashion,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing bodycon dress, gal fashion,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing red bodycon dress, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

プリントTシャツ (printed T-shirts)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing printed T-shirts, gal fashion,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing printed T-shirts, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie printed T-shirts, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ショートパンツ (shorts)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing shorts, gal fashion,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing shorts, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing shorts, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フリンジトップス (fringe tops)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing fringe tops, gal fashion,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing (fringe:1.2) tops, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing (fringe:1.1) tops, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

サンダル (sandals)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sandals, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sandals, gal fashion,
slim body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sandals, gal fashion,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ビッグリボンヘアアクセサリー (big ribbon hair accessories)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing big ribbon hair accessories, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing big ribbon hair accessories, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cool big ribbon hair accessories, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シースルーアイテム (sheer items)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sheer dress, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sheer shirt dresses, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sheer T-shirt, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

オフショルダートップス (off-shoulder tops)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing off-shoulder tops, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing off-shoulder tops, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie off-shoulder tops, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

グリッターアイテム (glitter items)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing glitter tops, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing glitter dresse, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing glitter skirt, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

デニムショートパンツ (denim shorts)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing denim shorts, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing denim shorts, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing black denim shorts, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースアップブーツ (lace-up boots)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace-up boots, gal fashion,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
upper body,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie lace-up boots, gal fashion,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
upper body,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cool lace-up boots, gal fashion,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
upper body,
text, mark,
low quality

パステルカラー (pastel colors)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pastel colors tops, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pastel colors tops, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pastel colors clothes, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

サマーハット (summer hat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing summer hat, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink cutie summer hat, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink cutie summer hat, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ビッグサングラス (oversized sunglasses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing oversized sunglasses, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie oversized sunglasses, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing eccentric oversized sunglasses, gal fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フリルソックス (frilly socks)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frilly socks, gal fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frilly socks, gal fashion,
slim body,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink frilly socks, gal fashion,
slim body,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ゴスロリ系(Gothic Lolita Style)

ロリータドレス (Lolita dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing Lolita dress, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing Lolita dress, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
full body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie Lolita dress, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

コルセット (corset)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing corset, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing corset, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sexy corset, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースアクセサリー (lace accessories)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace accessories, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white lace accessories, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink lace accessories, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ペティコート (petticoat)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing petticoat, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing petticoat, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sexy petticoat, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

リボン (ribbon)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing ribbon, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie ribbon, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white ribbon, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースアップシューズ (lace-up shoes)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace-up shoes, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace-up shoes, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace-up shoes, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, (shoes focus:1.2),
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
face, upper body,
text, mark,
low quality

ゴシックジュエリー (gothic jewelry)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gothic jewelry, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gothic jewelry, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gothic jewelry, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
head, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースソックス (lace socks)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie lace socks, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing (white lace socks:1.1), Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sexy (white lace socks:1.1), Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レース傘 (lace parasol)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have lace umbrella, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have black lace umbrella, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
Japanese umbrella,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have cutie lace umbrella, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
Japanese umbrella,
text, mark,
low quality

ボンネット (bonnet)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have bonnet, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have bonnet, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have bonnet, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ボンジュール (bonnets)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have bonnets, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have bonnets, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have bonnets, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

クローズドトウシューズ (closed-toe shoes)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have closed-toe shoes, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have sexy closed-toe shoes, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have sexy white closed-toe shoes, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ランジェリースタイル (lingerie-inspired)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace blouse, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing silk camisole, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sheer lingerie cardigan, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フリルカフス (frilly cuffs)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frilly cuffs, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frilly cuffs, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
hands focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sexy frilly cuffs, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
hands focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ブラックストッキング (black stockings)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing black stockings, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing black stockings, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, stocking focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing black stockings, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, stocking focus, standing, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ヴィクトリアンモチーフ (Victorian motifs)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing Victorian motifs accessories, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing Victorian motifs accessories, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing Victorian motifs accessories, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ゴシックヘッドアクセサリー (gothic head accessories)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gothic head accessories, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gothic head accessories, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing gothic head accessories, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用ファッションスタイル別の夏服の種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧

プリントドレス (printed dresses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing printed dresses, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing printed dresses, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing printed dresses, Gothic Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ロリータ系(Lolita Style)

ロリータドレス (Lolita dress)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing Lolita dress, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink Lolita dress, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie Lolita dress, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パフスリーブ (puff sleeves)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing puff sleeves, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing puff sleeves, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie puff sleeves, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and hands,
text, mark,
low quality

パンクロリータ (punk Lolita)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing punk Lolita clothes, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and hands,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing punk Lolita clothes, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and hands,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing wacky cool punk Lolita clothes, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and hands,
text, mark,
low quality

オーバーニーソックス (over-the-knee socks)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing over-the-knee socks, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and hands,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing over-the-knee socks, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and hands,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing sexy over-the-knee socks, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and hands,
text, mark,
low quality

レースアクセサリー (lace accessories)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace choker, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and hands,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace wrist cuffs, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and hands,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace anklet, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, anklet focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face and feet,
text, mark,
low quality

パラソル (parasol)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have parasol, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
Japanese parasol,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have princess parasol, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
Japanese parasol,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have princess pink parasol, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
Japanese parasol,
text, mark,
low quality

リボン (ribbon)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing princess ribbon, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie ribbon, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink ribbon, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースアップシューズ (lace-up shoes)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing lace-up shoes, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, (shoes focus:1.2),
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie lace-up shoes, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, (shoes focus:1.2),
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing white lace-up shoes, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, (shoes focus:1.2),
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ロリータハンドバッグ (Lolita handbags)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have Lolita (handbags:1.2), Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have Lolita (handbags:1.2), Lolita fashion,
slim body,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have cutie Lolita (handbags:1.2), Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

オーバーサイズリボン (oversized bows)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing oversized bows, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink oversized bows, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink oversized bows, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

プリンセススリーブ (princess sleeves)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing princess sleeves, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie princess sleeves, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie princess sleeves, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ショートパンツ (shorts)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing shorts, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink shorts, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie shorts, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ドールシューズ (doll shoes)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll shoes, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie doll shoes, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cool doll shoes, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カチューシャ (headband)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing headband, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing simple headband, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie, headband, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウエストベルト (waist belt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing waist belt, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie waist belt, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing pink waist belt, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

プリントスカート (printed skirts)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing printed skirts, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie printed skirts, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing blue printed skirts, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シフォンブラウス (chiffon blouse)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing chiffon blouse, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing chiffon blouse, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie chiffon blouse, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ウエストポーチ (waist pouch)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have waist pouch, Lolita fashion,
slim body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have (waist pouch:1.2), Lolita fashion,
slim body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have cutie (waist pouch:1.2), Lolita fashion,
slim body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースガーター (lace garters)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have lace garters, Lolita fashion,
lower body, garters focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have lace garters belt, Lolita fashion,
lower body, garters focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
have lace garters stockings, Lolita fashion,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ドール系(Doll Style)

フリルブラウス (frill blouse)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frill blouse, doll fashion,
slime body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frill blouse, doll fashion,
slime body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frill blouse, doll fashion,
slime body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フリルスカート (frill skirt)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frill skirt, doll fashion,
slime body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frill skirt, doll fashion,
slime body,
lower body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing frill skirt, doll fashion,
slime body,
lower body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ワンピース (dresses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style dress,
slime body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style dress,
slime body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style dress,
slime body,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースソックス (lace socks)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style lace socks,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie doll fashion style lace socks,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing elegant doll fashion style lace socks,
feet only, socks focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ヘッドアクセサリー (head accessories)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie doll fashion style head accessories,
slime body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing cutie doll fashion style head ribbon accessories,
slime body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style head ribbon accessories,
slime body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パステルカラー (pastel colors)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style pastel colors tops,
slime body,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style pastel colors skirt,
slime body,
lower body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style pastel colors tops,
slime body,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パフスリーブ (puff sleeves)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style puff sleeves,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant puff sleeves,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant puff sleeves,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ドールシューズ (doll shoes)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style doll shoes,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant doll shoes,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style cutie doll shoes,
feet only, shoes focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

カーディガン (cardigans)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style cardigans,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant cardigans,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant cardigans,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ドールワンピース (doll one-piece)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style doll one-piece,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style doll one-piece,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style doll one-piece,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

ロリータ風ドレス (Lolita-inspired dresses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style Lolita-inspired dresses,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style Lolita-inspired dresses,
upper body, side view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style Lolita-inspired dresses,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

サマーハット (summer hats)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style summer hats,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style summer hats,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant summer hats,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

レースカーディガン (lace cardigans)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style lace cardigans,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant lace cardigans,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant lace cardigans,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

バックリボン (back bows)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style back bows,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style back bows tops,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant back bows,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

シフォンブラウス (chiffon blouses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style chiffon blouses,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style chiffon blouses,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style chiffon blouses,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

パステルカラーブルマー (pastel colored bloomers)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style pastel-colored bloomers,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style pastel-colored bloomers,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style pastel-colored bloomers,
full body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

プリントサマードレス (printed summer dresses)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style printed summer dresses,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style printed summer dresses,
upper body, back view,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant printed summer dresses,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

リボンサンダル (ribbon sandals)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style ribbon sandals,
feet only, sandals focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style cutie ribbon sandals,
feet only, sandals focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style elegant ribbon sandals,
feet only, sandals focus,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

フラワーアクセサリー (flower accessories)

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style flower ribbon,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style flower hairpin,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

20-year-old beautiful Japanese woman,
wearing doll fashion style flower hair band,
upper body,
ultra realistic photo
Negative prompt: weird and destroy face,
text, mark,
low quality

画像生成AIの「stable diffusion」で使える女性用ファッションスタイル別の夏服の種類別画像付きプロンプト一覧③

